It’s July already (how?!) and you didn’t celebrate Pride with travel this year. But don’t worry—you haven’t missed the boat! Just because Americans have designated June as Pride month doesn’t mean that it holds universally true. There are other destinations who hold their festivities for other times of the year, and we’re giving you the scoop so that you can book it NOW.

Spain, Germany, Luxembourg
If you catch a plane, you might be able to catch it if you go now! Although you just missed Cologne, Germany’s Pride, Luxembourg Pride, and Madrid’s (considered one of the best celebrations of its kind in the world, Munich’s extends theirs until July 17. Later in the month, Hamburg, Germany gets in on the action from July 31 – August 7 in 2022.
But don’t count Spain out! Benidorm, a picturesque town considered “the jewel of Costa Blanca” with a gay village, celebrates September 5 – 11. Overseas, they’re considered the “European Summer Closing Pride.” Then we’re back full circle in June, where it’ll be celebrated in grand fashion in Tenerife June 2 – 4, 2023. Perhaps next year, start here before attending Pride in the United States?

United States
San Diego’s Pride events add a week of LGBTQI+ representation, as the city brings back June’s theme for an encore July 9 – July 17 this year. Newark, New Jersey does the same July 11 – July 17, and Charlotte winds up the month with their own set of events July 17 – July 26.
The next rainbow wave doesn’t hit until August 21 – 28, in Washington, D.C., with Capital Pride. On the other side of the country, Silicon Valley in San Jose, California, is mirroring that week with their own version.

Like their neighbors to the south (us!), Pride is given its due every full June, with events in every major participating city leading up to parades. But some destinations keep it going. While Vancouver marches July 31 only, Montreal breaks out the rainbow August 1 – 7. They call their festival Fierte Montreal and pack it with performances, video capsules, panels and conferences, and more, all centered around the Le Village gai. Calgary seizes the mantle August 26 – September 5 with programming and a parade—one of the first they’ve held in person.

Ever since 1999, the capital of this happy island nation has celebrated diversity and inclusion every summer. From a 12,000-person turnout to now what numbers over 100,000 guests per year over ten days of celebrations, this year’s Reykjavik Pride takes place August 2 – August 7. In fact, they “pride” themselves on this event being among the most “vibrant and popular events on Reykjavik’s cultural calendar.”

Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark
Amsterdam Pride runs from July 30 – August 7 in 2022, centered around the theme “My Gender, My Pride.” While it features a parade/walk, over 300 activities and events across the city, and an all-day takeover of Vondelpark and its open-air theater, the very best spectacle of all may just be the August 6 Cabal Parade, as the city’s famous waterways are taken over by partying Pride boats.
In Belgium, Antwerp Pride picks up where it drops off, August 10 – 14 under the banner of “Queertopia.” Besides the parades and festivities, there are also events in food, music, art, film, history and learning, politics, and youth activities. Copenhagen in nearby Denmark, a destination often paired with Brussels, Belgium, then grabs the baton, their events kicking off August 13 – 20. This year’s theme for them is simple: “Freedom.”
Organized by activist group OUTBermuda, August 25 – 28 are the hot dates to mark on your calendar for a “Pride”ful visit to the Atlantic Ocean’s most Caribbean island. The first evening of official events is devoted to panel discussions, but the party and march take place on the 27th. There’s a worship service the next morning for those who want to keep their faith, or you can sleep in until the beach party that begins at 1 PM.

There are already so many fun things on the calendar for Malta Pride’s September 2 – 11 celebrations, from speed-dating to Maori Midweek Meetups, a film night, concerts, and a march in both Gozo and Valletta. And don’t forget the afterparties—the island is already well known for its nightlife and party scene, so you know those alone will be worth the trip.
This September 28 – October 2, this Dutch Caribbean island is commemorating its big 1-0 as a Pride destination. During this week, there will be a full roster of get-togethers, seminars, educational sessions, and of course, major celebrations. They mention a few on their Facebook page, and with more to be added as we get closer to the big tenth anniversary events.
What’s available already is a big sailing of the Pride catamarans. There will be two of them (and several smaller boats, they anticipate!) flying the rainbow flag high in the harbor October 2 from Willemstad to The Spanish waters to Fuik Bay. Both journeys will culminate with music and dancing back at the home harbor and tickets are $95 per person until September 15.

Puerto Rico
Like the rest of the U.S., Puerto Rico takes Pride the whole month of June. However, in November, the Puerto Rico Queer Film Fest takes over San Juan theaters and cultural venues! This year, it takes place from November 4 -10. During this week, there will be a busy roster of local and international short and full-length film showings across the capital of Puerto Rico. 2022 marks the 13th year of this grand event, and tickets are available already.
Then for another round, Winter Pride Fest takes over December 8 – 12 this year, solidifying this U.S. territory’s place as the “Gay Capital of the Caribbean.”

New Zealand and Australia
Their weather isn’t the only thing that’s opposite of ours—in Auckland, Pride is celebrated throughout February! The planning for it has already begun, but you don’t have to wait for those details to be solidified in order to find “a gay old time.” The Auckland Pride: The Queer Agenda website lists plenty of comedy shows; art, film, and performance exhibitions; talks and workshops; and parties.
Sydney World Pride in Australia’s capital, the first WorldPride hosted in the Southern Hemisphere, is slated for February 17 – March 5, 2023, with the ever-important Human Rights Conference sandwiched toward the end of the events. Pre-sale ticketsv are being released July 11 to allow you to take part in the largest LGBTQIA+ conference of its kind ever held in the Asia-Pacific region.
For the full world calendar of all IGLTA official events, visit Most importantly, stay proud all year round.